Tuesday, September 9, 2008


OK, thanks to Hurricane Ike, we were able to change Paulina and my tickets to Thursday departure... now we just have to get that US Visa today... because Tracy's ticket was booked on miles, they couldn't get her on the same flights from Amsterdam and only had a flight that stopped in Newark available, so she opted to just stick around and spend the night in Amsterdam as originally planned. I am feeling pretty guilty for throwing her under the bus, so to speak, and leaving her here... but she offered and I jumped all over it! Her friend is in Warsaw through Friday for work so she's not alone and will hopefully be able to have a fun and kid-free day and evening after we leave!!!

We are picking up the Polish passport at 9:30am and the Visa interview is at 10:30. Provided everything goes as planned, we can pick up the completed Visa at 3pm this afternoon. More after the interview... my fingers are crossed... it would be so good to get home tomorrow night...


kelly said...

All fingers crossed here!! Good luck with everything today & tomorrow!!

Reagan said...

Fingers crossed :) We are so excited!!!!